Sunday, 30 September 2012

Prelude to a How-To Style Post

I experiment with my hairstyles a lot, from what products give me the best outcome to different ways to get my hair wavy, straight e.t.c.

My go-to style however is the easiest to do, it is a twist out flexi-rod set. It is extremely simple to do because I section my hair into only 2 parts and it can be done on wet or dry hair.

It keeps my hair away from the flat iron and heat damage because I can just air-dry and still achieve great results.
So I will be uploading a video tutorial showing the steps I follow and the products I use.

Until then Happy Hair Growing xxx

Monday, 24 September 2012

Relaxer Process: Step 3

This is the final step to my "Relaxer Process", it is typical for me to keep my hair straight for more than a week after I relaxed because I know once I wash it I won't be flat ironing it for a while.

Because my hair was not fully flat ironed I did not have any qualms washing my hair sooner than I usually would (2weeks). So Wednesday, I proceeded to Wash and put my last type of protein.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Relaxer Process: Step 2

If you haven't read Step 1 feel free to peruse it here before/after you read this post. I follow these steps to reduce the breakage a relaxer can cause.

So step 2 doesn't focus on the actual relaxing as this time I got my hair relaxed at the salon, it just gives some tips on how you can reduce damage on your relaxer day

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

The Relaxer Process!!! Step 1

My last relaxer was about 24 weeks ago on April 6th 2012 (Yup! I know the exact date), this has been my longest stretch wearing my hair out without a relaxer and during this time I only straightened my hair once.

That being said, in order to achieve long healthy relaxed hair you do not necessarily have to wait that long in between your touch-ups. In fact if proper care isn't taken you might end up loosing the extra length your new growth would have provided. This has also been my easiest stretch and I mostly stayed away from the creamy crack because I noticed some breakage in the back right of my hair (I suspect it was one of my rare salon visits), so I initially wanted it to grow out a bit but then I got carried away.........

My "Relaxer Process" takes 3 weeks because it includes the preparation before, the actual relaxer and after the relaxer.