Tuesday, 4 September 2012

The Relaxer Process!!! Step 1

My last relaxer was about 24 weeks ago on April 6th 2012 (Yup! I know the exact date), this has been my longest stretch wearing my hair out without a relaxer and during this time I only straightened my hair once.

That being said, in order to achieve long healthy relaxed hair you do not necessarily have to wait that long in between your touch-ups. In fact if proper care isn't taken you might end up loosing the extra length your new growth would have provided. This has also been my easiest stretch and I mostly stayed away from the creamy crack because I noticed some breakage in the back right of my hair (I suspect it was one of my rare salon visits), so I initially wanted it to grow out a bit but then I got carried away.........

My "Relaxer Process" takes 3 weeks because it includes the preparation before, the actual relaxer and after the relaxer.


Before Relaxer

A week before I intend to relax my hair I always do a protein treatment, this strengthens your relaxed ends and your demarcation line (point where the two textures meet) thus reducing the chances of breakage.

I did a protein treatment on Saturday because I will be getting my hair relaxed on Saturday the 8th, so here is how I did it.


2 Eggs
2 Cap-fulls of Jamaican Black Castor Oil


I whisked one egg and added a cap-full of castor oil, mixed thoroughly and then applied to my dry unwashed  hair in small sections from the tips up to the root. Because of the length and thickness of my hair I needed to get another egg, so I basically did the same thing with the second egg and the second half of my head.

I let the egg sit in my hair for about an hour uncovered, usually 30 minutes is good enough but once again I got carried away and the extra time doesn't hurt.

I rinsed with room temperature water (warm water will cook the egg, cold water will take a while to rinse it out) then I shampooed out with my Organix shampoo.

As usual after my Protein treatment, I followed up with a Deep Conditioner for 30 minutes (a simple mix of my VO5 conditioner & Honey).

Finally I "t-shirt dried" my hair applied my moisturiser, detangled and then sealed.

I will be wearing my hair in a bun in this week so I don't disturb my scalp or myself.

Extra Tips

P.S. I know people tend to stay away from washing their hair about 2 weeks before they get their hair relaxed to reduce burning of the scalp. However I find that since I started doing this I have noticed less breakage. I never scratch my scalp when I wash my hair I just use my fingertips to massage and dislodge any dirt.

If there is any soreness from this massage, I don't feel it a week after.

Also I stay away from curly styles just before I relax my hair because it will be harder to work the relaxer.

Will be posting the During and after in the next 2 weeks, so until then......

Happy Hair Growing

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